My school kindly allowed me to have a Bake Sale Yesterday. I've done them for the last few years and usually raise around £100- £120 pounds. I did everything in preparation as I have done previously. Sent letters out to parents, kindly asking for cake donations, and inviting them along, and posters in the staff room asking staff for the same.
The day arrived. I'm always nervous to see if I actually receive any donations, and not only that but people actually turning up to buy them. Sure enough, 9.30am on the dot, one of our school governors arrived, bought a whole box of cakes and had to shoot back to her office. Then they just starting arriving in their dozens. It was insane. People buying cakes, people arriving with more cakes, it was completely manic! Then the kids and staff came at different times To buy cakes. People were just giving me money left right and centre. I was sure I'd made about £200.
Before I knew it, it was 11.30am. I did my raffle and packed everything away. I just had to count it straight away. I can tell you that it was above and beyond £200. I can announce that the grand total raised was £350.55. I can't say thank you enough. I don't care if I'm starting to sound like a broken record. I'm so grateful to everyone for supporting me. I'm ever so close to reaching the £2k mark. This is the most I have ever raised for charity.

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